Grant Program

Soon you and your community will be able to apply for a Grant to receive these ArriveSafe signs.


Our goal is to supply these signs at minimal or no cost to the tax payers or community members who endorse this project and are authorized to display them.

We are expanding our partnership with local businesses to help sponsor this project in those communities that show interest. Private residential communities and businesses may also apply.

If you want these signs for your community please contact us now as we are developing this offer.


GRANT Application Process:

  1. Local Law Enforcement (Sheriff, Police Chief or Property Owners Association) should endorse this project.
  2. Local Municipal Government or Property Owners Association should pass a resolution to endorse this project and allow the installation of these signs on their roads.
  3. Estimate the number of signs needed. Specify the location and the speed limit at each location to help determine the appropriate size of sign for optimum visibility.
  4. Sign Posts are usually available locally and can be very expensive to ship. Can you provide the posts and get the signs installed properly and safely?